Tuesday, November 17th
Slip The Lark ran his last race when scoring that highly impressive victory at Shelbourne Park on Saturday night and is now ready to commence his stud career with Michael and Sean Dunphy in Portlaw.
The son of Larkhill Jo and Slip The Posse was a wonderful servant to owner Keith Allsop and trainer Pat Buckley and was only caught in the final inches of the 2008 Irish Derby final by College Causeway and then suffered a similar fate at the hands of Cashen Legend in the Cashmans Laurels final at Curraheen Park.
However Slip The Lark gained compensation when winning the Waterford Masters at Kilcohan Park in fine style. He has battled against adversity this season but was a semi-finalist in the Derby and narrowly failed to make the final.
However he went out in style last Saturday as he came from behind Kilmalady Torres for a length victory in the Paddy Ryan Tribute Open 525 in 28.53.
Slip The Lark avslutar sin tävlingskarriär på ett fantastiskt sätt genom att vinna The Paddy Ryan Tribute Open 525y på Shelbourne Park i lördags, tid 28,53!!!!!
Han har startat 51 gånger och har vunnit 20 lopp, varit 2:a 10 ggr och 3:a 11 ggr. Han har sprungit in ca 800.000 sek.
Nu startar han sitt arbete som avelshund nere i Portlaw på Droopys Kennel hos Michael & Sean Dunphy. Det skall bli spännande att åka över till Irland och besöka Dunphys igen och klappa om "våran stjärna" vars mamma (Slip The Posse) vi, kennel Heartlines är uppfödare till. De ni...............!